Friday, September 12, 2008

On A Woman’s Need for Wings:

The other day I went shopping for some things. Okay. the Halloween stuff is on the store shelves. Things I crave to have year round are arrayed for my perusal. I know I can, and sometimes do, shop on the web. But I’m a tactile shopper.

I like to hold and inspect, feel and debate, ponder and select my purchases. So although I really liked the butterfly wings on the web, I waited for the full shopping experience.

I selected decorations and silly spider jewelry, masks and gloves, wigs and of course wings. There were many colors to chose from, blue ones, white ones, and pink ones. Small, medium, and large ones. I got two of them, the large purple butterfly and the medium black semi bat like ones.

I don’t fly in planes. I don’t like heights. But I do love to dream about flying. I am never happier in the morning then after a dream where I am flying above the ground. So I needed some wings to prolong the feeling in my waking world.

There is a part of me that craves the freedom that personal flight affords. I have never stopped myself from spreading my arms on a windy day and soar around the yard on the breeze, even into adulthood.

I have my own personal wings now and I can fly away into the absence of restrictions. Freedom from gravity, lighter then air. I have a renewed sense of being. I have found a new inner self and today I fly.

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