With Thanksgiving on the horizon, I’ve been thinking of the things that I am thankful for. Of course I am thankful for my family and friends, home and pets, health and happiness. But with all the changes in the world lately I’ve been thinking about the newer things I have to be thankful for.
After a little over two hundred daily posts, I’ve been thinking about all the new friends and acquaintances I’ve met here on the web. I am grateful for all the people who read my blog. More so the people who stop in regularly and comment, because we’ve had more interaction. But I haven’t forgotten I also have the occasional or silent reader out there. And I am thankful for you too.
I found my voice and courage to blog by visiting other bloggers, commenting on what they had to say and getting some feedback. I was encouraged to join in the fun and friendship and for that I am grateful. The spirit of the blogging community has been a good one to me.
I’ve tried to extend the friendships I’ve found here by adding links, commenting, and encouraging other new bloggers, as well as the bloggers that have been here before I came around.
I’ve made mistakes, and listened to the advice of others as I’ve tried to make my blog a friendly safe place to visit. Yes, I’ve ranted about things important to me at the time. I’ve typed too fast and not fixed my errors. And still you’ve come back to see what I have to say. For that I thank you.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without you I am just whispering in the well. All I hear a small echo but there is no connection.
Thank you very much for coming to visit me here! Lady Euphoria
Blogging is definitely trial and error.. you soon learn what works for you and what is a giant mistake. I've been doing this for almost FIVE years now and wouldn't trade in the online friendships (and a few real ones) for anything. Its awesome that we can all connect this way.. even better for those of us who don't actually like to venture beyond their own doorstep in real life. Are you on Ravelry yet? That has definitely opened up a whole new world of folks (with the specialized forums) who were never interested in having a blog but are now connecting.
And thanks for visiting my sorely neglected blog. You've helped nudge me back into blogging again!
How's that new corset coming, btw?
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