Sorry to my Sunday Viewers that are not interested in the Epitaph Contest. It has kind of taken over the Sunday blog. Which was one of the reasons I didn’t start it from the first.
We are now starting week four of the Epitaph Contest. New prizes have been readied. A new winner has been notified and last weeks prizes not chosen go back in the box for another day.
This Weeks Prizes are:
1-K Tatted Lace Edged Handkerchief. Pre-embroidered handkerchief with tatted lace designed and made by Lady Euphoria. Choice of Black or Purple.
2-D Knitted lace Doily. Knitted by Lady Euphoria from Tea Dyed Cotton, Pattern from The Complete Encyclopedia of Needlework by Therese de Dillmont.
3-NB Tatted Lace Necklace. Made of Crochet Cotton, Lady Euphoria designed and handmade by the lady herself. Choice of black or blue.
I will ‘return email’ to inform the winner of the week and get information for delivery. Name of choice will be announced on the blog. I do not use any information I get to sell or trade, nor to contact you further. I myself value my privacy and would not like that trust broken. It is only for the purpose of delivering your package.
Send in your Epitaphs for this weeks contest and Good Luck! Lady Euphoria