Saturday, October 4, 2008

On Knitted Pumpkins:

So yesterday I told you about the pumpkin hat I’m turning into a centerpiece for the next few weeks. Afterwards I’ll un-stuff it and give to a kid I know that likes odd hats because the head band is now child sized.

After rewriting the opening of the hat to a smaller hat band size and making it a bit longer to have the extra I need to hide the open, under end I was in the zone.

That knitting needle set in this picture I was using to closing the top of the hat are the ’Pick up Sticks’ knitting needles I mentioned in the blog about the big mitten.

When I was done (Okay after Mountain Man was done playing with it like a tam on his head. And I must say looking very much like ‘Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater.’) I stuffed it with some plastic grocery bags waiting to be recycled. Then ran a yarn thread through the opening and pulled it in and tied it at the size I wanted.

I think it looks good if I do say so myself. Now I gotta’ go and get out my autumn decorations and set my new Pumpkin on a bed of autumn silk leaves.

Old Nursery Rhyme

Peter, Peter Pumpkin eater,
Had a wife and couldn’t keep her.
He put her in a pumpkin shell,
And there he kept her very well.

1 comment:

Zel, The Grimm Witch said...

I love this little pumpkin!