Sunday, October 12, 2008

On Epitaphs Anyone?:

Okay, here are some pictures from around my house.

The PeeGee Hydrangea,

some gourds still hanging from the arbor

and some already picked.

Now that I have you lulled into a nice place.

I would like to thank Judith and Cemetery Searcher for the epitaphs that they have sent in over the last few months.

Picture of one of the many cemeteries I visit.

But people come on. I know that they are not the only epitaph poets out there. I’m begging and pleading here.

Last week I just let the previous weeks epitaph run on an extra week and still no more epitaphs in my email box. Please, please, pretty please with sugar on top. Get those fingers typing and send your epitaph ideas in.

On another subject. Tomorrow is Columbus Day here in the States. I don’t do that particular holiday. I have Native American’s in the family. So tomorrow will be yet another Silly Thirteenth of the Month Holiday around here.

You can email Lady Euphoria at the links to the left.

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