Monday, February 2, 2009

On Silent Poetry Day:

Today is the silent poetry reading day and I was invited to join by Knotty Mouse this year. The mogs blog is hosting this year I think. But even if it is not feel free to join in today and post poetry today. And when you are done leave a comment on here or Knotty Mouse or The Mogs and let one of us know so we can all find your poem and read it.

Here is my bit of poetry:

Box of Memories and Dreams

By Lady Euphoria Deathwatch

There is a box inside my house,
that’s full of this and that.
A sweater chain, small knight on horse,
a pin made for a hat.

A fan, a screw, a safety pin,
A picture of a dog,
It has a few old bits and bobs,
a penny and a frog.

Some rings and things, a garter hook,
a red fish and a shell,
A long forgotten dream of things,
and needed things as well.

To fix a shirt, mend a coat
or pretty up a skirt.
A bit of color, pomp or dash,
and maybe even flirt.

My mom or grandma had these things,
collection of old stuff.
There still are hopes and new ideas,
all hiding in the fluff.

I pull out one or more if need,
the little things inside.
The bits and bobs of lifetimes past,
Now here they do abide.

A bathroom token, set of dice,
And keys that have no locks,
But mostly there are buttons there
inside my button box.

Mouse got back to me and said The Mog is where you want to make a comment letting them know you have posted a poem.


Mouse said...

Yes.. that's the link you want to point them to... not our blogs. I'm pretty sure she's hosted it before and that was how I found the original link. I like your poem.. I'm going to get some tea and go search for one now (I'm totally unprepared this year)

Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

I love this:) Branches up is hosting this and there are loads to read all over the web today

Judith said...

FYI, I posted a poem on my blog, but it was a James Agee, not an original. I'll look for one of my original ones to post.
