Saturday, March 27, 2010

On One, Two, Three’s:

First, I want to thank those who sent their condolences to my daughter at the passing of her father. The funeral is over, she has returned home, and I am moving on to other things.

Second, it is spring and time for fairy hunts in the woods. A woman I met in one of my groups meetings is starting a blog. It is Lady Dark Firefly. She is into fairy fairs, wings and building fairy houses in the woods. I only wish that we lived closer to each other.

The Blog is still in the building stage, no pictures yet and all that, but I trust that will change soon. She is a lovely woman who has a heart of a child with the soul of an ancient. She also has a great imagination.

Third, I’ve been busy with spring cleaning and getting rid of things no longer wanted from my past. I love the concept of a good spring clean out. I need it as I’m likely to hold onto things for longer then is really necessary.

There is always a feeling of renewal in the Spring. I need to shake off some old baggage and pounds. I lost a few pounds this past week and this makes me what to keep at it. I’ll be belly dancing my way through my spring cleaning.

Lastly, I also want to remember to stop and smell the roses daily. It is important, and the older I get the more I know this is a life truth. So stop and enjoy any given moment of the day, breath and be in the moment. Be aware of the good in things. Don’t let it be so easy to shake off the good times and get back to work. Take the good feelings along with you, into the rest of your day.

And spread the sunshine you find. Smile to yourself and at others. It makes other people happier, even if they don’t know why. Give a helping hand. You know the drill. It works.

1 comment:


Yes, it does work. i find myself smiling at people in the grocery store, and they smile back. (Could it be the knit flowers in my hair?) Same thing with strangers everywhere - at the gas station, the post office - smile, and they smile back.