I have this baby sized baby doll. I’ve had ‘her’ for over twenty five years now. (The doll is gender neutral. I have designated the female to her.) So far, she is Goth only in the sense that she is mine and I bought her because she was made to sleep eternally.
I have made her hand made baby clothes (mostly to use for demonstrations at colonial reenactments), but I’ve never knitted for her.
I’ve been watching Black Crow knit little things for her art dolls and feeling the urge to knit small.
So, I have gotten together a few baby patterns and I’m going to try to knit for her. Changing them, of course, into some gothy baby things to broaden her scope of possibilities.
Any suggestions?
I’m more into spiders and owls then skulls, bats and snakes if there is a motif involved, not that I wouldn‘t go for any of them. And anything in the Victorian line is good, as you already know of my morbid liking for cemeteries and Victorian post mortem photos.

Only her head with painted/molded hair, arms (elbows to finger tips) and legs (knees to the tips of her toes) are plastic and real looking. The rest of her body is cloth and stuffing. So sleeveless and short panty type things will look silly, just thought I’d mention it.
If anyone is interested. The back of her neck has ‘Berjiisa Made in Spai’ marked into it. I’m thinking they meant Spain and it was a miss print.
So, Onward into the world of baby doll makeovers I go. I think I’ll have to start with a February Baby Sweater for her. I have one, so she will too.