Saturday, May 1, 2010

On Sitting Back and Enjoying the Day:

It is the first of May. Today, I’m taking the easy way out. I’m making Green Bean Soup.

What is Green Bean Soup, you ask?

At my house it is cooking up some green (wax) beans (or both), adding water to more then cover them, and adding cream cheese, 2 oz. per quart, stir until melted and salt to taste. Easy-peasy, kid friendly recipe!

It’s amazing what kids will eat when they make it themselves.

This can also be put through a blender and liquefied if you like. An alterative to Tomato Soup. We serve it up with sandwiches or a salad.


Rebecca Nazar said...

I'm mixing up a batch of hummingbird nectar, cleaning out their feeders.

Enjoy the day. : )


That sounds delicious! A nice mix of healthy and yum!