Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On Almost Ready for the Trip:

Well I managed to find a few moments to post. We leave early tomorrow and the car is packed. I got everything done that I wanted to except for making the top and I’m working on that now.

We are going to bed early tonight and will be up before the sun. I’m hoping to be at the retreat center where the wedding will take place by noon.

I am still not ready to let go completely and in all reality I don’t have to. She will just be a phone call away, like she has for the last six or so years. We will visit like we have in the past. But as we all know once a person is married, it is just different. Not bad or wrong just different.

The partner/spouse is now in line ahead of mom and pop and this is as it should be.

I like and love Prince Charming and he is a good thing for the Daughter Princess. And the reverse is also true. A good match I think.

I thought I would just take it all in, enjoy the day and move on. She has not lived under my roof for about fifteen years.

Maybe it is the loss of my son that makes me have a need to hold on tighter then I thought I was. I don’t know. But this is not as easy as I felt it would be. A piece of me wants to just put her in my pocket and keep her safe from what life will bring her way.

I’m being silly, I know. She has been a grown up for a while, she can take care of herself. On Saturday it will happen no matter how I feel, so I will be happy and loving and tearful. My baby is moving on without me put she has a good man at her side. It will all be good.

I’ll post when and if I can over the next few days.


Mouse said...

Have a good trip & be safe!~

Judith said...

Just want you to know I'm thinking about you. I hope everything is wonderful!